Sunday, September 26, 2010

answer to comments

I emailed individuals my comments to their comments in August.  For your benefit, i have placed my comments for August if you click the August blogs and scroll down to comments , you will see some of mine.  Love, Sue

Friday, September 24, 2010

short and sweet

I Hear You!  I have been advised by many loved ones to keep these blogs simpler. I shall do my best. STAY TUNED!!  Please read my latest blog anyway, below.  LOVE to ALL!!!! SUE

Thursday, September 23, 2010

disease prevention starts with our DIET

Hello friends,  Thanks for joining me today!!  Please take a minute if you've not read my previous blogs to scroll down and catch a bit of them.  they are IMPORTANT!!.  Please jot my new web page down and go there and view " video " after you read this:  9+ is the government's recommendation in 2010 for amt. fruits and vegetables a day. but, really, WHY?? Because everyday as your body is producing energy to move and function, it is producing free radicals from the oxidation formed in you from that energy-producing work.  It's normal, but, God designed our bodies to deal with that oxidation which will lead to diseases by making our bodies respond to the antioxidants in fruits and the phytonutrients in vegies in such a way that our cells are protected. Phytonutrients and antioxidants FROM FOOD (verses isolated vitamins)  builds our immune system, gets in the endothelium (lining of our blood vessels) , gets in every cell of our body and builds protection.  Even if you are already sick, healing is very possible just by giving your body what it needs, and that is fruits and vegetables. Fred and I went to a "Juice Plus" wellness seminar Friday night and heard an internal medicine doctor, Dr. Matt Brown, discuss the peer reviewed studies that have been completed proving the benefits of a product called, Juice Plus, and a diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits.  We were blown away.  We saw an xray of a patient's LAD (widow maker artery) half clogged.  He went on a plant based diet, and three years later the xray of the same artery showed it big and juicy.  If you are sick, whether a cold or cancer,  I recommend increasing your consumption of 9+ servings (one serving is a fist size) of fruits and vegies a day and see what happens. Dr. Robert Weinberg, PhD, whose lab discovered the first cancer gene, states if people will decrease red meat, not smoke, increase fruits and vegies, this will prevent 70% cancer cases in our nation. That is sizable. He also stated that only 10% of cancers come from inherited genes,which means lifestyle is the cause of 90% . Go to my webpage mentioned above. The reason I have become a distributor this month of Juice Plus is because I know the value of juicing and the nutrition we get from that.  Juice plus is 15 fruits and vegies and grains (rice bran and oat bran) that have been juiced and then dried at low temperatures to protect nutrients, powdered, sugar crystals removed, and encapsuled.  Better than juicing at home, more vegies and fruits than I can possible juice on my own at home.  The 16+ peer reviewed studies now completed from many universites around the world are proving the product gets in the blood stream and produces results. Its purpose is to fill the gap of my eating to assure I am getting plenty of fruits and vegies each day, because frankly, few of us eat the recommendation of fruits and vegies in a given day.
  Okay.  That's it for today.  Visit  P.S.  Dr. Matt Brown recommended a diet of fruits and vegies (lots of variety). fiber (30 grams a day),  whole grains (such as brown rice, Quinoa (pronounced "Kimwah"), etc, and protein from nuts legumes and seeds (almonds brazil, walnuts cashews, pintos, kidneys, chick peas, etc.) He also stated that "protein can come from vegies: spinach is 51% protein, and when comparing same amount per weight of brocolli to chicken, brocolli has more protein. "  I am looking forward to sharing some great recipe ideas to help you incorporate more Fruits and vegies in your diet in my next blog Saturday. Remember, gradual changes today of increased exercise and improved diet WILL affect us for the better in the future!  Love to all , Sue     If you wish to comment, press comment, press google, answer few simple questions, then comment away!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dirty dozen, clean fifteen

Organic foods vs. non organic foods confuses folks, should I eat organic?  Well, there has been a study of 47 fruits and vegetables to see which non-organic ones are highest in holding pesticides used during their growth.  The study concludes with "dirty dozen,clean 15".  Look up the complete study by googling "Environmental Working Group" .  Our bodies cannot get rid of pesticides, there is belief that they are at the root of some of the cancer causes in our society. So here are the fruits and vegetables that are the dirtiest :
1.Peaches, non organic, 96.7% tested positive for pesticides. 87% had multiple pesticides on them.
2. Apples, 94.1%
3. bell peppers 81.5%
4. celery 94%
5. Nectarines 97.3%
6. Strawberries
8. Kale 53.1% for multiple pesticides
9. Lettuce
10. Imported grapes
11. carrots 82.3% tested positive
12. Pears
14. Spinach (Don't know 13th

Okay, so do try to buy organic of the above, and understand that the study shows that if you  buy organic just of those, you will cut your pesticide exposure by almost 90%, according to the study.

1. Onions, no detectable residue on 90% or more of samples.
2. Avacado (YEAH), less than 10 % with pesticide residue
3. Frozen sweet corn
4. Pineapples
5. Mango
6. Asparagus
7. frozen sweet peas 77% no pesticide residue
8. Kiwi
9. Cabbage 82% no detectable pesticides
10. Eggplant
11. papaya
12. watermellon  28.1% positive for pesticides, 9.5% with multiple pesticides
13.  Brocolli 65.2% had no detectable pesticides
14. Tomatoes. 53.1% with  no detectable pesticides
15. sweet potatoes and grapefruit tie

Yes, peeling will help. Bananas are the 27th dirtiest(21st cleanest).  My goal is to deliver to you the information I have, and for you to slowly (Or quickly) start to incorporate what you are learning into your lifestyle.  God bless you with peace.  more later.  Love sue