Thursday, February 17, 2011


Welcome! The passion behind the writing of these blogs is PREVENION of disease and illness as best we can learn and adopt NOW.  I recommend you take the suggestions from all of my blogs and do your best to impliment changes at your pace. A little change for the good over the course of  a year is better than no change.  So KEEP PLUGGING.  Today's tips are directly taken from Dr. OZ. Since you did not see his show (right?) and since I feel this is very important,  I will make sure you get the highlights.  All credits go to him  for the info. in this blog:   He went through some of the top diseases in the USA and gave a few tips to prevent them. Here they are:
1.  Heart disease:  Eat 5+ (Sue says 7-13=goal) colorful fruits and vegies every day, count them, eat them as raw as possible, but eat them. (remember I said earlier to COUNT them daily, as a game. Studies prove a significant decrease in this illness with increased consumption of protective fruits and vegetables.
2.  Diabetes:  Drink  one cup of coffee daily, caffeinated or not. Eat 2 tsp VINEGAR before or with meals; (I recommend Braggs apple-cider vinegar with "the mother" as the best. I also recommend you make it like a drink mixed with apple juice, 2tsp -2T per cup).He states that these two items PREVENT  a rise in blood sugar. (which causes your pancreas to secrete Beta cells which secrete insulin which takes sugar to your cells for nourishment. When the Beta cells are gone, you have Diabetes).
3.   Loss of Memory: (Brain problem):  Drink apple juice with the pulp, take Flax Oil ( One to two Tablespoons/day.  (Health food store variety that has been kept in fridge is best)  Hemp (really high in protein, buy it ground from the healthfood store and place in smoothies, cereal, anywhere. It tastes like nuts. I've heard you can survive on hemp alone for months!)  Eat Bananas.
4.   Bone loss:  Stay away from SALT.  He states that salt has been found to cause loss of calcium in the body.  He states to use herbs instead  Work on this over time and you can get off salt. (soup= bad culprit)
5.  Cancer:  He left it with only one big tip:  Eat 1 cup of sweet potatoes daily. (I would add to eat any orange vegetable a day, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, esp. homemade carrot juice).  He states the reason is that the Carotene has been proven to decrease cancer rate by 40%.  (If you turn a little orange, rejoice!, your are being well protected from the Carotene). 
Thats all for now.  God Bless You!