Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hi there!  Welcome! If you've not read previous posts, PLEASE read below and back to August's posts, as they have great information for your HEALTH!  I mean it. Now, a quickie.  BEANS!  I am talking pinto, red, black, kidney etc. They are so easy to cook. They have more antioxidant power than blueberries.  Did I tell you why antioxidants are so important?  As you exercise, work, live, you are a machine that produces oxidation in your body.  This causes free radicals (cells that are not quite right) to roam.  God made them such that if you eat right, they will not be a problem. The good foods for you, like fruits, vegetables, and legumes (dried beans) have antioxidants to combat these free radicals.  A free radical can gather with others and make cancer and other health problems.  They have one less electron than regular good cells.  The antioxidants in healthy food DONATE one of their electrons which the free radicals take up and then are neutralized.  WOW!!  Aren't we "fearfully and wonderfully made" as Scripture says?  So,  when I say something has a lot of antioxidants, GO FOR IT!!  Beans:  buy a bag of pintos, red or kidney beans.Wash in a collander.  Put them in enough water to cover by 2 inches  then boil a few minutes and let them sit an hour.  After that, put the burner on and cook them for 2 more hours, in same water is fine.  BINGO.  Done, fineeshio. Keep them ready to eat in fridge and throw them in spaghetti, salads, smoothies (well, thats a stretch).  3 tablespoons is a serving.  Eat at least 2-3 times a week, (I eat them almost daily for my protein.)  ENJOY and remember, the small changes or additions you make each day over the long haul MAKE BIG DIFFERENCES!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i appreciate your blog so much in that you don't just share with us the things we need to help us take care of our bodies but you share with us practical ways we can work in small changes that make a big difference. thanks for updating!

  3. Thanks for reading! I am dedicated in my passion for health for all of you to keep you posted on ways to keep you healthy!! Practice what I preach!!
