A request came to me to review the antiinflammatory foods. Be aware that systemic inflammation can be both inside of us and invisible, as well as very visible by way of soreness. It is a problem we all deal with. It can lead to heart disease, diabetes, cysts in body parts, arthritis, and lack of energy. You can alter the amt. of inflammation you have. Here are some of the BEST foods for that. They are among some of the BEST foods in the world for us. First, the foods to omit from our diet that contribute to inflammation: #1. Sugar, and anything made from flour because these foods break down into simple sugar fast in the body, (Pasta included). Of course, whole grain is recommended, but the long term goal for change would be to eliminate all flour based foods from our diet if you are talking about getting rid of inflammation issues. #2. hydrogenated fats and saturated fats (animal). Now, for the BEST antiinflammatory foods: Try to eat one out of this group each meal:
1. Salmon and Omega 3 rich foods and oils. Take a supplement of Omega 3 to really help. (Flaxseed oil etc)
2. green tea, one cup a day!
3. Cruciferous vegies: brocolli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower,
4. salads with fresh greens (Kale, Spinach, Collard, Turnip) Kale really isn't that bad, I have grown to love it.
5. garlic
6. Cherries and blueberries ( perhaps stir them frozen into hot oatmeal for breakfast!)
LASTLY< and the BEST way to decrease inflammation is to EXERCISE ( increase oxygen intake!) Very Lastly, I would be amiss to not let you know that one of the clinical studies for Juice Plus proved it reduces inflammation that leads to disease. (http://www.suewalkerjuiceplus.com/ scroll down to research). Remember, Slow and steady good changes win the race in the long run!
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